Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) are the strategy and project management contributions. DPR is a highly detailed and systematic project plan which includes a whole system, specific roles and responsibilities, tasks and assets needed for the project.

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The Parliament's Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is a welcome reform of the existing framework on business, entity, partnership and other insolvency. This paves the way for much-needed reforms when concentrating on creditor-driven insolvency resolution.

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We often come across news that a startup has attained unicorn status, crossing the billion dollar valuation. Or, the richest person on earth has a net worth valued at 112 billion USD. However, this does not imply that the individual or the unicorn start-up possesses the stated amount in liquid assets. It is merely the valuation done on the earning potential capabilities or the goodwill it has garnered in its respective industry, among other parameters.

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At Resurgent we have experts who have mastered the art of Business valuation with an in-depth experience in different techniques and strategies.

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