01 Jun

In this post, we give you information on what is a TEV study, why do you need it and how to do one. Techno-Economic Viability (TEV) study is defined as a process, undertaken by lenders; both private and financial institutions, of analyzing the technological and economic information about a project, proposed new or existing businesses, and their internal and external environments to arrive at the lending decision.

In other words, if you are a lender; both private and financial institutions and you conduct a study to recognize and understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the project, proposed new or existing businesses which have you for requested fresh finances. The primary rationale behind the study is to assess the risks and mitigate them effectively and efficiently, as any new project, proposed new or existing businesses will always have an associated risk.

You can perform a TUV study by finding information about the project, proposed new or existing business, it’s internal and external environments, in the following topics:

  • Technical and technological feasibility
  • Economic and financial feasibility
  • Project and operational cost estimation
  • Market, business research
  • Customer profiling, acquisition, retention, lifetime cost estimation
  • Resource requirements, planning, and associated cost estimation

Once you have all the information on the above topics of both; project. Proposed new or existing business and its external and internal environment, you understand all the risks involved and then take an informed, effective, and efficient lending decision.

At Resurgent India, we have specific tools which have been designed, developed by domain experts with decades of experience. These tools, backed by big data analytics and driven by AI, can quickly, effectively, and efficiently collect and analyze the TEV data and provide you with detailed, insightful, and actionable reports, which further aids in your lending decision.

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2QDFxRI

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